Pierer Industrie AG
Edisonstraße 1
4600 Wels
Phone +43 (0)7742 6000 6990
E-Mail: info@piererindustrie.at
UID-Nr.: ATU 63 26 21 05
FN 290677 t, Regional Court Wels
Oberbank Mattighofen BLZ 15041
IBAN: AT921504100211110408
UID No.: ATU 15 11 52 02
FN 78112 x, Regional Court Wels
Chamber: Chamber of commerce Upper Austria
DI Stefan Pierer
Mag. Gottfried Neumeister
Mag. Stephan Zöchling
Mag. Klaus Rinnerberger
Mag. Friedrich Roithner
Presentation of GASGAS Motorcycles and GASGAS Bicycles
Information of Products, Motorsports, Services
GASGAS Marketing Department